The Goldsmiths - Part III (.......leggi tutto)

R. D. Bradshaw

(Editor's Note: The Goldsmiths series is reposted from Mr. Bradshaw's eye-opening examination, penned in 2008. - JSB)

Being extremely naïve and ignorant about how the modern goldsmiths work and control nations and money, this writer has suffered greatly at their hands over the years, as has been true with others.

As a young man in the 1960s, it began to dawn on me that the US government was spending money all over the world irresponsibly. It was easy to put two and two together and realize that hyperinflation would ultimately set in and the dollar would be destroyed. It was not a question of whether; but rather only one of when. The when may be very close - here in 2008.

Seeing that the US currency would not last and that other nations too had problems with their fiat currencies, gold and silver were the most obvious solutions. This writer tried that approach several times over the years; but always unsuccessfully as my investments in gold and silver ultimately went bad.

But after losing much of my money on gold and silver options in 1993, a break came to change some of my ignorance when the old "Spotlight" paper ran an article on the work of the US Plunge Protection Team (PPT) to prop up the stock markets and simultaneously destroy gold. This revelation made me essentially lay off of gold until in 2008 when once more the gold bug bit me.

Yet while the work of the PPT was known, a full revelation on the involvement of the international banking goldsmiths was not fully appreciated by me until they had successfully brought gold and silver down to the heights of stupidity, as happened in Jul-Aug 2008. At last, it all began to crystallize into one scenario of reality. Hence, this and the preceding two articles on the Goldsmiths have been produced. Perhaps there are other persons who can benefit from my experience.

The thing that escaped my understanding was the fact that the modern banking goldsmiths control at least the US and most of the other global financial markets. While they don't have total and complete control all of the time, they do have sufficient control that they can periodically cause the markets to oscillate up and down so that with advance knowledge of the coming moves they can make gobs and gobs of money from us ignorant suckers.

In the US , investors are often bombarded with the ideas of the fundamentals and the technicals. And while the fundamentals are important for the long trend line and while the technicals may sometimes be important in the short term, they are not proving to be the driving forces in the markets here in 2008. Now, the overlying trend lines, at least the short and intermediate term trend lines, are being directed and controlled by market manipulators/interventionalists.

True, the US and many other governments in the world are busy using tax-payer funds to manipulate the markets, as discussed in Part I of this series (on the premise that their manipulations somehow benefit their governments). But the involvement is substantially more than just government entities. Manifestly, the big international banks are also involved. Of course, since they execute market orders from both the government and central bank players, they automatically become insiders with advance knowledge of what is to happen at a given time. But it's more than just that reality.

The US has sat back and allowed its big banks to come into the markets and participate - not only as hedgers and investors, but also as speculators. And they do so. Speculating in the markets and writing options on stocks and commodities have turned into big business for big banks, allegedly like Citibank and JP Morgan-Chase, in addition to the so-called investment banks.

Though some persons might wish to dream that the Fed operates independently of the big banks, it should not take too many brains to understand that this is not reality. The big banks are the primary owners of the Fed and the Fed leaders work for and serve the big banks.

Former Vice President Dan Quayle revealed what is already well known among informed persons. He said that "Greenspan (former Fed Chairman) represents the big banks and internationalists..." (Sep 13, 1999, "US News & World Report," p. 22). As a minimum, this means that Greenspan represented the modern goldsmiths.

The Proofs

Again, it must be said that even if the Fed did try to operate independently of its banking bosses, the word would still get out on what the Fed is doing. The reason is because the NY Fed carries out the instructions of the FOMC and it does so through already established brokers. JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman-Sachs seem to be the action agencies doing much of the buying and selling whenever the PPT goes to work on the markets. Citibank is also a big player in the markets. It's hard to imagine that Citibank is not in the Fed's loop.

Besides the reality of ownership and bank/broker participation in executing Fed orders, there are other crystal clear proofs that certain big banks join in and participate in the rip off of investors by the PPT. First, whenever the PPT strikes, there is an undeniable gigantic push that must be far greater than just the Fed. These moves are often huge. Now while the Fed does have large sums of money to play with in the markets, some of the moves are probably beyond even this reality.

Next, one can check the intraday trades and plainly see the work of the interventionalists. Only the big banks have the money and freedom from market oversight to simultaneously push the trend lines on any given day in conjunction with the Fed and/or other central banks. It appears that the Fed often strikes in NY at about 8 to 11 AM on weekly business days. But they can vary this pattern. When the Fed/PPT strikes, the intraday charts usually show extremely large moves down in one or two whacks.

Despite the clear evidence of a Fed/PPT strike, one following the charts can see that they are often accompanied by other large strikes (but smaller than the Fed whacks) which are obviously made on the basis of advance knowledge of what the Fed/PPT will do for a given item. Therefore, some of the banks or brokers with advance knowledge jump the gun and strike just before the Fed/PPT.

Too, when the Fed/PPT ends its push down, some players will advance knowledge enter the market to buy up the collapsed items and start the so-called correction. They do this while the uninformed investors are still on the sidelines waiting for proof of the bounce before jumping back into the market.

Another interesting little reality is that there are often false and fake moves up or down which occur just before or just after the Fed/PPT makes its primary thrust (like the example of the week of Aug 11, 2008). Of course, these fake moves are made so that the initiating party is able to buy or sell a given item with the full realization of the timing and limits of the Fed/PPT actions.

Actually, many of the big traders are so rich, powerful and controlling that they can easily cause intraday moves up or down to take out a stop loss almost whenever they choose - and particularly so in the case of tight stops. Big traders do this often whenever they want to pick up an item with advance knowledge of where the pending moves will go in the markets.

In addition to the big hits on normal 8 to 5 workdays by the Fed/PPT, it is easy to see other lesser hits, especially in the evenings or nights. Interestingly, when the 8 AM workday commences in Tel Aviv (around 1AM NY time), one can find hits on applicable items that will later receive Fed/PPT attention or boosts up following the conclusion of the Fed/PPT work. London is about four hours earlier than NY. So it is possible to see related moves being made at 8-9AM London time.

This situation then brings up the matter of a predetermined schedule which is supplied the primary players in advance (this will be discussed below). Alert observers, watching the recommendations of various market analysts, can easily see that some of these persons have been supplied advance information on pending Fed/PPT/big bank moves.

By following the moves in the market for given items, it is readily apparent that a select group of informed people in Tel Aviv, London, New York and Chicago are privy to information in advance on pending Fed/PPT moves. Of course, in the currencies, it is also often true that other central banks participate in the Fed/PPT strikes. Inevitably, these various central banks tip-off relatives, friends and associates on pending moves.

While there are regulations governing some financial transactions/markets, the big banks have been exempted from this oversight. That's why the Commodity and Futures people never find any illegal actions in the markets. Activities of the big banks are never illegal or wrong.

But perhaps the greatest proof of all of a conspiracy/collusion involving the Fed, the US government, various other governments and central banks and the largest of the fat cat banks and investment houses to defraud and steal from the people surfaces whenever one looks carefully at the work of the various exchanges, the media, the government agencies in their official pronouncements, and the several big brokerage houses which participate.

Whenever the Fed/PPT people are crashing a given item, the related exchange almost always works in a pronounced fashion to support the crash of the item. Usually they do this when they daily establish exchange made settlement or set prices for items and especially items and contracts which did not trade that day. For examples of their work, one can check how crude oil was handled in the July-Aug 2008 take-down.

Inevitably, most US exchanges set these prices as low as possible when the item is being crashed by the fat cats. This means that some traders/investors (especially small ones like me) can easily be caught in a margin call and have to liquidate some holdings. These exchange-directed prices are often ridiculously low since no trades take place at those levels (unless there are a few token trades made by the manipulators to drive prices down).

Except for the manipulators and persons being forced out in margin calls, there usually are few or no sellers of an item at the crashed prices. Yet, the exchanges use crashed prices without hesitation for far-out contracts whether trades are happening there or not.

Conversely, when the fall ends and the fat cats begin acquiring longs for future profits, the exchanges reverse their habits and make settlement and set prices higher. In such a case, they do this whether trades are taking place there or not.

The role of the US government and its Plunge Protection Team was addressed in Part I of this series. Obviously, the government can always use the excuse that it participates in the financial markets to benefit the US economy. But its participation is far greater than just the PPT. Many government agencies are prepped to alter reports and/or create simply false and misleading data which will support the work of the PPT/fat cats running the US markets.

If and when US government offices and agencies make public reports and pronouncements on particularly financial matters (actually on almost anything and everything), there is a good chance that the reported data is absolute lies or as a minimum represents distorted and misleading representations. Even the US Dept of Agriculture gets in on the act by lying to the public about food production (to make everything look good when it is not good). Only an idiot believes the crap that comes out of Washington.

The official inflation data is a sample of government alterations of truth. Clearly if US inflation is artificially kept down, it helps the Fed pump the dollar up with claims of little or no inflation. Certainly low inflation rates benefit the government when cost of living changes are made to social security and other retirement plans. Social security checks would be at least 70% higher today if the government had not been altering inflation data over the past 15 years.

The participation of a select group of large brokerage firms is discussed elsewhere in this series on the Goldsmiths. Of course, they willingly participate simply to be in the position of knowing what is happening to benefit their own pocket-books. Anyone reading their public pronouncements and recommendations can readily see at once that they are either brilliant beyond belief or that they have advance knowledge of coming market moves.

The controlled US media is even grosser in its efforts to bend over backward to help the collapses engineered by the Fed/PPT and fat cats. Of course, most of us know that the fat cats who own the big banks, the Fed and the US government (yes, many of the leading US political leaders have been bought and paid for by the fat cats) also own ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the leading newspapers in the US.

Bloomberg offers daily financial news reports. Bloomberg's reporting seems to always be in harmony with and beneficial for the major market moves being directed by the power brokers. Bloomberg is notorious for making bad news about the US economy seem like good news when gold and commodities are being hit while the US dollar and stocks are being boosted. This is called spinning the news. And if bad news can't be spun into being good news, the media can always just not report it.

Advance Scheduling, Revisited

As noted above, the fat cats directing these major market moves do so in accordance with a predetermined schedule which is supplied to the major players (this typically includes not only the Fed and US Treasury, but also certain major brokerage firms in Tel Aviv, London, NY and Chicago. But these guys have pledged secrecy on the matter and they typically don't share this data with outsiders.

Actually, this writer is in contact with a person who receives this dating information in advance, evidently from his connections with a large brokerage firm which plays on the manipulation team. The information is dated within one or two business days either way. For sure, I have personally seen advance schedules of these turn dates for the last three months. I know they exist. And I have found them to be highly accurate in predicting the major up and down turn dates for moves in the markets.

While the items to be hit and the items to be boosted are not always defined, the schedules do usually address the US dollar items versus the anti-dollar items. The dollar items are the US dollar and often US stocks (particularly the Dow and the S&P 500 indexes). The anti-dollar seems to always include gold and silver but not necessarily the other anti-dollar items. Yet, oil and most other commodities and foreign currencies were all in the anti-dollar crowd for the Jul-Aug 2008 motions.

One could suppose that oil would be classic anti-dollar and would accordingly be with gold for all hits down. But this option has not held true for much of the last year or so. Possibly the reason why oil has not always been anti-dollar is because JP Morgan-Chase and Citibank allegedly have been big players in the crude oil market. The fat cat banks are simply not going to allow a hit on their positions unless they have advance information and are able to make preparations to cover their investments.

Not only was the gold and oil crash in July-Aug 2008 foretold but the preceding and subsequent run-ups were also scheduled in advance. This means that it was the insiders who ran gold up in July 2008 to pull in the suckers - only to come along later and crash it in conjunction with operations of the Fed/PP, big banks and selected elite brokers to take out the suckers. If a person knows in advance that gold will be run up in a certain two week period and then crashed to a new modern low, could that person make gobs and gobs of money? Has a cat got a tail?

These schedules seem to be usually made about 60 days in advance. They cover the dates (which often coincide with meetings of the FOMC and G7/G8 nations) and the general ups, downs, highs and lows for the dollar versus anti-dollar items. While price objectives or projections are sometimes presented, they are not always met. Apparently, the ultimate prices may depend on the markets and how the public/investors react.

Several months ago, when the US dollar was hanging at about 71 and people familiar with the fundamentals were predicting a fall to 68, some informed brokers and analysts were actually building a case for a dollar at 75-77. At the time, I thought a dollar index at 75 was madness. But that just shows how uninformed, naïve and ignorant I was. Now that I have been exposed to the inner-working of this team of conspirators, I can see that they were working with a schedule back then showing that a 75-77 dollar would become a soon reality.

Let me mention that the present objective on the dollar is 80 for the index in Sept 2008. This schedule says the dollar will remain strong for the rest of this year into 2009. Obviously, a strong dollar will benefit the plutocrats when the Nov 2008 election rolls around. This will pacify the voting public and make it continue to vote for the status quo.

The collapse of particularly oil (but gold too somewhat) was made in Jul-Aug 2008 in order to allow the fat cats to acquire huge new positions in oil at bargain prices. Why? Well, the US and its colleagues are getting ready to impose a blockade on Iran. Either Iran gives in and surrenders or she will be attacked with a passion and fury. We can be sure that oil will go into the sky. The fat cats manipulating the markets will make a barrel of money.

And why would the fat cat bankers/goldsmiths work so hard to drive the US dollar to ridiculous highs when it is near the same caliber as the worthless currencies in Latin America and Africa?

Well, since WWII, the US dollar has evolved as the most important currency in the world for the big bankers and their allies to use in their quest for profits and world domination. The dollar is now owned outright by the fat cat bankers. The dollar is just too valuable to the big boys for them to set back and allow it to quickly collapse before they have had a chance to impose an alternative world reserve currency to take its place.

The power of huge sums of money can be very influential in the markets usually - but not always. The US stocks have been under heavy selling pressures so far in 2008. The fat cats and their lackeys at the Fed and US Treasury have tried hard to pump up and reflate the stock markets (especially the Dow and the S&P 500). But the effort has not yet succeeded as planned or hoped for by the fat cats.

The Bottom Line

Several conclusions can be easily surmised based on the material in this paper and the preceding two related studies on the Goldsmiths.

First, this operation involves a closely knit team of conspirators. Bob Carpenter in the International Forecaster calls them a cartel. Some would liken them to the Mafia and its operations. Perhaps they can be called a clan, team or network. But regardless of how they are defined, they do exist. Clearly, the players do work together to rip off and plunder money and whatever else from most of us. So far, they have been extremely successful at this effort for most of the last 4,000 years.

There is no reason for us to now cry and moan over the work of these conspirators. After all, our ancestors willingly turned over the US monetary, economic and financial systems to them long ago. We are now reaping the produce sowed by our ancestors. Yes, a tree is known by the fruit it produces.

While some could gullibly claim that Bush Junior is running things, the truth is that there are plutocratic rulers who run things and not the elected US politicians who are merely lackeys bought and paid for by the plutocrats.

The bottom line here is that perhaps the House of Rothschild, as represented by N. M Rothschild and Company of the City in London, is the big boss of the whole thing (this is the only option which is logical and makes sense). The Fed, US Treasury, big banks (like possibly JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Goldman-Sachs, etc) and certain stock and commodity brokerage firms play on the team and benefit from its operations. But it seems to be only the Rothschilds who have the power and influence to direct major events in world affairs.

This writer has come to believe that there will be no big spikes up in gold until such time that the Rothschilds either own all or most of it or they lose control over the markets. Of course, if the fat cats and PPT should lose control over the markets they manipulate, it goes without saying that there will be huge explosions up in gold and other commodities as well. Can they lose control? Yes, it can happen one day and perhaps soon.

For More Reading/Information

For more reading on this issue, the reader may wish to check these sources:

The bestseller: "None Dare Call It Conspiracy," by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, first published in 1971, still available on eBay, Amazon and other book outlets.

"Tragedy and Hope," by Carroll Quigley. At the 1992 Democrat Convention, Bill Clinton's acceptance speech cited Quigley as Clinton's mentor.

An Internet presentation on the Plutocrats, at Volume XXII of "Ezekiel and YHWH's Judgment for the Good People," at on the net.

The author is not involved in the securities or financial market business and has no financial interest in presenting the information herein. In fact, it could be very dangerous to even broach this theme. The plutocrats running the US and parts of the rest of the world are known to murder or take action against people who attempt to interfere in their operations (like in the case of the assassination of John F. Kennedy).

Anyway, the preceding information on this subject is presented for general information only and not for purposes of investment advise or recommendations. What the reader does on investments is his own personal decision and responsibility.

Finally, the writer of this series is a retired CPA, living in the Idaho Mountains, and still optimistic for the future of gold and silver. He is also a veteran of the Korean and Vietnamese Wars.

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