Bilderbergs di tutto il mondo, unitevi!

By sitoaurora

Bilderbergs di tutto il mondo, unitevi! William Bowles (Regno Unito) Strategic Culture Foundation 12.01.2010

Nell’Iraq del dopo-guerra, le forze militari Usa assicurano gli interessi vitali statunitensi, non la nation-building” - The Heritage Foundation

E solo nel caso in cui non si è ancora capito il punto, lo stesso documento della Heritage Foundation, in data 25 settembre 2002, ci dice: “Proteggere le infrastrutture energetiche dell’Iraq contro il sabotaggio interno o attacchi stranieri, per restituire l’Iraq al mercato globale dell’energia e assicurare che Stati Uniti e mercato energetico mondiale abbiano accesso alle sue risorse.” [1] Tutto ciò che dice, al contrario, la stampa aziendale o governativa è solo propaganda e/o bugie.

Oliare gli ingranaggi del capitalismo Il punto di svolta si ebbe quando il petrolio ha preso il centro della scena in maniera significativa, quando il 20° secolo è iniziato con le più potenti marine imperiali del mondo, quelle tedesca e britannica, passarono dalla combustione del carbone a quella del petrolio. Da quel momento in poi, i destini della Persia e del mondo arabo divennero irrevocabilmente centrali per le ambizioni imperiali occidentali, tanto che i giorni che stiamo vivendo (e morendo) ne sono il risultato; in particolare per i palestinesi e gli iracheni, per non parlare di due Guerre Mondiali, in cui il petrolio è stato centrale per tutti i combattenti, non solo per combattere, ma per dominare. “Raramente discusso, tuttavia, è il fatto che gli obiettivi strategici geopolitici della Gran Bretagna, ben prima del 1914, includevano non solo la frantumazione del suo più grande rivale industriale, la Germania, ma, attraverso la conquista di guerra, voleva garantirsi l’incontrastato controllo britannico sulla preziosa risorsa che, dal 1919, si era dimostrata la materia prima strategica del futuro sviluppo economico: il petrolio“. ‘A Century of War’ di F. William Engdahl, p.38 [2]. Il petrolio ha ampliato il raggio d‘azione delle marine imperiali, fino a coprire il mondo, senza la necessità di rifornirsi di carburante, consentendo alla marina britannica di assumere il controllo completo degli oceani e delle rotte commerciali del mondo. Uno degli obiettivi della Prima Guerra Mondiale è stato quelli di negare l’accesso alla Germania ai giacimenti di petrolio recentemente scoperti in quella che oggi è l’Iran. Questo significava controllare l’accesso al Medio Oriente, dove il controllo inglese del Canale di Suez (‘rubato’ ai francesi), alla fine ha determinato il destino del popolo della Palestina e, in effetti, dell’intero Medio Oriente. Certo, il petrolio è solo una componente, ma senza di esso nient’altro funziona, meno di tutti un esercito meccanizzato. Senza petrolio, non ci sarebbe il mondo moderno da cui dipende. ‘The Energy Bulletin del 17 febbraio 2007, indica che il consumo di petrolio solo per gli aerei, le navi, i veicoli terrestri e le strutture del Pentagono, lo hanno reso il singolo consumatore di petrolio più grande del mondo. Al momento, l’US Navy ha 285 navi da combattimento e di supporto e circa 4.000 velivoli operativi. L’US Army ha 28.000 veicoli corazzati, 140.000 veicoli multiruolo ad alta mobilità, più di 4.000 elicotteri da combattimento, diverse centinaia di velivoli ad ala fissa e 187.493 veicoli. Fatta eccezione per 80 tra sottomarini e portaerei nucleari, con cui si è diffuso l’inquinamento radioattivo, tutti i loro altri mezzi vanno a petrolio.’[3] I corporate media vorrebbero far credere che chi gridava ‘Petrolio!’ quando toccava all’Iraq, fosse una sorta di squinternato, simile a quelli che credono agli addotti dagli alieni, null’altro che un ‘cospirazionista’. Nel 2003, quando l’USUK invase l’Iraq, mi colpirono i lamenti disperati della stampa aziendale, secondo cui l’invasione non aveva nulla a che fare con il petrolio, accusando chi affermava che tutto ciò con cui aveva a che fare l’invasione era il petrolio, fossero dei cospirazionisti, dei pazzoidi che credono fermamente nell’Area 51. “Le teorie del complotto abbondano… Altri dicono che è stato causato dal petrolio… [Questa] teoria [è] in gran parte una sciocchezza.”- The Independent, 16 aprile 2003. Al contrario, le compagnie petrolifere non si tirano indietro nel presentare il ruolo centrale del petrolio durante l’invasione dell’Iraq, facendo eco a quanto negli ambienti della Heritage Foundation dicevano: “Direi che in particolare le società petrolifere statunitensi… prevedono che l’Iraq sarà aperto alle imprese [dopo il rovesciamento di Saddam]“, dice un dirigente di una delle maggiori società del petrolio del mondo. “Quello che [i neo-conservatori dell'amministrazione Bush] hanno in mente è la denazionalizzazione, e quindi la spartizione del petrolio iracheno tra le compagnie petrolifere statunitensi… Prendiamo l’Iraq, installiamo il nostro regime, portiamo la produzione di petrolio al tasso massimo e diciamo all’Arabia Saudita di andare all’inferno.” E. James Akins, ex ambasciatore statunitense in Arabia Saudita. “Probabilmente ciò significa por fine all’Opec“. Shoshana Bryen, direttrice dei progetti speciali del JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), “Dopo la caduta dell’Iraq e la privatizzazione del suo petrolio, sarà così“. “Le società statunitensi faranno un colpo grosso col petrolio iracheno,” Ahmed Chalabi sul Washington Post. Ne “Il futuro dell’Iraq post-Saddam: un progetto per il coinvolgimento americano“, una serie di documenti della Heritage Foundation, si definisce un piano per la privatizzazione del petrolio iracheno e, di fatto, la privatizzazione della sua intera economia [4]. È un complotto? Beh, dipende da cosa si intende con questa parola. Le definizioni del dizionario sono le seguenti: 1. atto di cospirazione; 2. un malvagio, illecito, traditore o occulto piano, formulato in segreto da due o più persone; 3. una combinazione di persone con uno scopo segreto, illegale o malvagio. 4. Legge. Un accordo tra due o più persone per commettere un reato, frode, o altro atto illecito. 5. un qualsiasi concorso in azione, una combinazione per portare a un determinato risultato. Avrei pensato che collettivamente tutti corrispondono alla descrizione dell’invasione dell’Iraq, dopotutto Bush e Blair hanno cospirato per ingannare il mondo, fabbricando prove sulle armi di distruzione di massa (WMD), al fine di invadere il paese illegalmente. Hanno cospirato (con altri) per distruggere un paese e rubare le sue risorse, ergo: un complotto. Detto questo, ci sono quelli che vanno molto, molto più in là, affermando che c’è una cospirazione globale che risale ad almeno un centinaio di anni e consistente nella classe politica degli Stati Uniti e del Regno Unito, che insieme con il mondo bancario e i potenti conglomerati dell’energia, hanno aspirato al controllo del pianeta, delle sue risorse, dei mercati e del lavoro. Ma è un complotto o è semplicemente l’imperialismo che fa quello che sa fare meglio: rapine, omicidi e colonizzazioni? In altre parole, abbiamo bisogno di un complotto per spiegare tali eventi? E cosa succede se si tratta di una cospirazione globale che risale a oltre un secolo? Non cambia nulla, abbiamo ancora di fronte le stesse forze. La domanda corretta da porsi è: Perché i media aziendali e governativi insistono sull’uso della parola complotto per deridere chiunque si ponga domande sull’ortodossia prevalente? La risposta è immediatamente evidente: la parola congiura è stata distorta a un significato che non ha una definizione sul dizionario, ma che indica tutti coloro che contestano le motivazione fornite dai nostri politici nel spiegare il perché le cose accadono. La storia è piena di ogni sorta di cospirazioni di stato e/o aziendali, dall’incendio del Reichstag alla provocazione del Golfo del Tonchino, dalla caduta di Allende in Cile per opera della CIA/ITT, per non parlare delle inesistenti armi di distruzione di massa dell’Iraq; da qui la necessità di separare il petrolio e l’Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan, solo nel caso in cui le persone giungano alle giuste conclusioni sul perché le cose accadono. Questo linguaggio è mutilato per conseguire gli obiettivi della classe aziendale, ed è aiutato dai veri squinternati della congiura, che vedono tutto come un complotto, a volte risalgono di secoli e coinvolgono cabale segrete di un tipo o dell’altro. Collegare la sinistra a questa squadra serve a degradare i nostri argomenti, e sicuramente questo è l’obiettivo. Non vi è dubbio che la classe criminale internazionale mente, trama e pianifica, questo è ciò che è il Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), come anche la Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs), il suo equivalente britannico, ed entrambe le organizzazioni sono state costituite, nei primi decenni del 20° secolo, come una solida ‘Anglo-Saxon Alliance’. Un appello nominale dei membri del CFR, dimostra il fatto che i principali governi occidentali sono tutti dipendenti effettivi del grande capitale. Allo stesso modo con il gruppo Bilderberg, composto internazionale di ‘capitani d’industria’ e decisori politici chiave delle classi politiche dei paesi capitalistici di primo piano. Ma è un complotto? Su un unico livello, no, dopo tutto, è del tutto legittimo che le classi dirigenti pianifichino e organizzino, questo è il motivo per cui Washington DC pullula di ogni sorta di ‘Foundations’ e ‘Think Tanks’. Dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, miliardi di dollari in finanziamenti pubblici e privati sono stati versati a queste organizzazioni. Il loro obiettivo? La diffusione del ‘libero mercato’ e contrastare ogni forma di opposizione, con le buone o con le cattive. “…Gli uomini più potenti del mondo si sono riuniti per la prima volta” a Oosterbeek, Paesi Bassi [oltre cinquanta anni fa], “discutono del futuro del mondo”, e hanno deciso di incontrarsi annualmente, in segreto. Si autodefiniscono Gruppo Bilderberg, con una partecipazione che rappresenta il who’s who delle élite delle potenze mondiali, soprattutto dagli Stati Uniti d’America, Canada e Europa Occidentale, con nomi familiari come David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, altri capi di stato, influenti senatori, deputati e parlamentari, capoccia del Pentagono e della NATO, i membri delle famiglie reali europee, selezionate figure dei media, e altri invitati – alcuni ignorati, altri notati, come Barack Obama e molti dei suoi alti funzionari.” – ‘La vera storia del Gruppo Bilderberg’, di Daniel Estulin [5]. E’ chiaro che il capitalismo moderno si è evoluto attraverso parecchie generazioni, con tutta l’apparenza di una cospirazione nel senso più ampio e del tipo più sofisticato, utilizzando un vasto esercito di operatori che comprendono elementi chiave dei media, del mondo accademico, delle imprese e dei politica, dentro e fuori il governo. Una ‘Cospirazione’ per mantenere il capitalismo come l’unica forma ammissibile di società, come potrebbe essere altrimenti? Vi è semplicemente troppo in gioco, e come prova di ciò basta vedere come questa potente Elite internazionale del business/governo/media ha cospirato per uccidere, a prescindere dalle conseguenze. Famiglia, educazione e rapporti d’affari, con lo Stato come ‘mediatore’, hanno creato quella che oggi è una rete internazionale che collega le classi dirigenti degli Stati capitalistici più potenti, è per questo che hanno un gruppo Bilderberg, dove i direttori di aziende, la classe politica, media e accademici selezionati sono in grado di soddisfare e di elaborare strategie e tattiche, necessarie in un mondo in cui le comunicazioni sono ora praticamente istantanee. Non basta avere governi che fanno affermazioni che non sono in linea con il ‘consenso’, come accade di volta in volta, mandando in frantumi per un attimo l’illusione. In un mondo dove le forze economiche dominanti sono un paio di centinaia di aziende assai importanti, società che, de facto, garantiscono che i rispettivi governi attuino politiche favorevoli alla loro sopravvivenza e all’aumento del benessere per gli azionisti principali, la cosa più logica da fare è quella di patteggiare su questioni che li riguardano tutti. Sarei molto sorpreso se il gruppo Bilderberg o qualcosa di simile, non esistesse. E le problematiche sono evidenti: accesso e controllo/proprietà delle risorse, l’accesso a manodopera a basso costo; libera circolazione dei capitali e, last but not least, neutralizzazione delle sfide per il dominio del capitale, ovunque essi si manifestino. Schierato contro di noi, il Popolo, vi è un vasto apparato di controllo e di manipolazione che abbraccia organizzazioni ‘non governative’, fondazioni private, media governativi e corporativi, ‘intrattenimento’ in tutte le sue forme meravigliose, think tank, istituti, fondazioni, il mondo accademico, organismi formali e informali, sia a livello nazionale che transnazionale, associazioni, ONG e ‘ONG’ ‘volontariato’ e ‘beneficenza’, tutti pesantemente sovvenzionati dallo Stato e/o dalle aziende. Chi ha bisogno degli ‘Illuminati’ quando avremo tutto questo schierato contro di noi?

Note: 1. Vedasi ‘In Post-War Iraq, Use Military Forces to Secure Vital US Interests, Not for Nation-Building’, Baker Spring and Jack Spencer, Backgrounder #1589, September 25, 2002. “The Administration should make it clear that a US military presence in post-war Iraq will be deployed to secure vital US interests, not as an exercise in so-called nation-building—the Clinton Administration’s open-ended policy of sending American troops into troubled regions where vital US security interests were not directly threatened.” 2. Penso che la migliore (e più succinta) analisi di questo periodo è stata fatta da F. William Engdahl nel suo ‘A Century of War’ Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order’. (…) 3. vedasi ‘Pentagon’s Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes’, Sara Flounders per i dati sulla gigantesca fame di petrolio delle forze armate statunitensi. Ed ecco la fonte: ‘US military oil pains’, Sohbet Karbuz, Energy Bulletin, 17 Febbraio 2007. Va osservato che i dati utilizzati in questo articolo sono stati pubblicati più di due anni fa, e sono ben lungi dall’essere completi, in quanto comprendono solo il petrolio acquistato direttamente dal Dipartimento della Difesa (DoD). Qualunque sia la cifra è impressionante, probabilmente pari a 30 miliardi dollari all’anno, con nessun segno di alcun tipo di riduzione all’orizzonte, almeno secondo il ministero della Difesa: “Nel 2005, DESC comprerà circa 128 milioni di barili di carburante per un costo di 8,5 miliardi di dollari, e il carburante per i jet rappresenta quasi il 70% degli acquisti del DoD in prodotti petroliferi. Per alcuni, questo non è abbastanza. Perché il consumo di petrolio del DOD rappresenta la più alta priorità per tutti gli usi, non ci saranno limiti fondamentali per la fornitura di combustibile al DOD per molti, molti decenni“. ‘United States Department of Defense … or Empire of Defense?‘, Sohbet Karbuz, 6 February 2006 4.Heritage; Heritage; Heritage; Heritage; 5. Vedasi ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and What They May Be Planning Now.’ Una Recensione del libro di Daniel Estulin da parte di Stephen Lendman.

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio Aurora - BollettinoAurora - SitoAurora - Eurasia

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The Next Stage of the Credit Crisis

The next stage of the credit crisis is approaching. The first stage of the credit crisis was characterized by subprime borrowers defaulting on their mortgages. These borrowers were the weakest link in the lengthy chain of credit. Following the subprime fiasco, stronger links in the chain, including credit-worthy consumers and corporations, had difficulty obtaining credit. The inability to access credit led to bankruptcy, bailout and/or nationalization of many financial firms by governments around the world. At the time, even though governments were compromising their own balance sheets by bailing out insolvent companies, government bonds were seen as a safe haven and were hoarded by investors. The strength seen in government bond prices during the credit freeze was instrumental in enabling governments to actively bail-out borrowers and initiate economic stimulus programs. Government intervention resulted in a tremendous rebound in financial markets in 2009, and today, markets and investors appear to believe that the worst of the financial crisis is over. However, with governments borrowing more money than they can repay, the financial crisis has only just begun. In the summer of 2007, many investors overlooked the deteriorating credit quality of subprime mortgages and the collapse of the Bear Stearns’ subprime funds, as demonstrated by stocks hitting new highs in October, 2007. In similar fashion, stocks are continuing to hit new highs as many governments’ credit ratings are downgraded and/or put on negative watch by the rating agencies. The deteriorating credit worthiness of governments around the globe has now become pervasive as can be seen in the list we have compiled of excerpts from news articles on the topic. While this list is not comprehensive, the large number of countries included overwhelmingly supports our belief that we are on the cusp of the next stage of the ongoing credit crisis.

PortugalFinancial Times - January 10, 2010

“If Portugal wants to avoid a downgrade, it is going to have to take meaningful, credible steps to get the deficit under control,” said Anthony Thomas, a senior sovereign risk analyst with Moody’s credit rating agency. Moody’s and Fitch both placed Portugal’s sovereign debt rating on a negative outlook in the autumn, a measure that implies a probable downgrade within 12 to 18 months.

IcelandThe Telegraph - January 6, 2010

Standard & Poor's, the credit rating agency, has put Icelandic debt under negative credit watch, a day after Iceland's president blocked a bill of compensation for the failure of Icesave bank. The agency said that "as a result, we could lower our ratings on Iceland by one to two notches within a month". The decision by S&P came after the Fitch credit rating agency had downgraded Iceland's long-term debt rating from BBB- to BB+ late on Tuesday, citing a "renewed wave of domestic political, economic and financial uncertainty." It (S&P) said: "The Creditwatch placement indicates the likelihood of a downgrade if political uncertainty grows and external liquidity pressures persist in the wake of President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson's veto of the 'Icesave Act'."

France and United KingdomTelegraph - December 22, 2009

Fitch Ratings has given its bluntest warning to date that Britain and France risk losing their AAA status unless they map out a clear path to budget discipline over the next year.

Mexico Reuters - December 14, 2009

Standard & Poor's trimmed Mexico's credit rating one notch to BBB from BBB-plus, citing fiscal challenges it expects will persist "over the coming years," but at the same time lifted them to a stable from negative credit outlook. The move by S&P was widely expected and comes after Fitch cut the country's credit rating one notch to BBB and gave a stable outlook on Mexico three weeks ago. This was Mexico's first downgrade in over 10 years.

DubaiReuters - December 10, 2009

Moody's said that the rating downgrades reflect the weakening in Dubai's economy and the repercussions on the banks' asset quality and earning power. Exposure concentrations to the construction and property sector, as well as Dubai government-related entities, are significant and could entail material losses. The direct exposures to Dubai World are manageable given high capitalization levels. However, the rating agency notes that the negative investment sentiment that has been sparked by the restructuring could have longer-lasting effects on Dubai's economy and could constrain the banks' ability to access debt capital markets in a cost-effective manner for longer than was previously expected.

Spain - BBC News - December 9, 2009

Spain has had its credit outlook cut to negative from stable by the ratings agency Standard & Poor's. The agency said Spain faced a deeper deterioration in public finances and a longer period of economic weakness than it had previously expected. "Reducing Spain's sizable fiscal and economic imbalances requires strong policy actions, which have not yet materialised," Standard & Poor's said in a statement.

GreeceWall Street Journal Online - December 8, 2009

Ratings agency Fitch downgraded Greece on Tuesday to BBB+, outlook negative. Fitch said its move was due to “concerns over the medium-term outlook for public finances given the weak credibility of fiscal institutions and the policy framework in Greece.”

United Kingdom and United States - Bloomberg - December 8, 2009

Moody’s Investors Service said the top debt ratings on the U.S. and the U.K. may “test the Aaa boundaries” because public finances are worsening in the wake of the global financial crisis.

“The deterioration has been pretty severe,” said Pierre Cailleteau, managing director of sovereign risk at Moody’s, in a Bloomberg Television interview in London. “We expect a pretty strong policy response in the next couple of years in order to keep the debt in the Aaa range. We expect them to bend but not to break.”

The U.S. and U.K. have “resilient” Aaa ratings, as opposed to the “resistant” top ratings of Canada, Germany and France, Moody’s analysts led by Cailleteau said in a report today. None of the top-rated countries is “vulnerable,” or have public finances that are “stretched beyond the point of ‘no return’ to the Aaa category,” New York-based Moody’s said.

VietnamWall Street Journal Online - November 26, 2009

Vietnam devalued its currency, the dong, by roughly 5% against the U.S. dollar, while also increasing interest rates in a bid to damp rising inflation. The country's central bank raised its benchmark interest rate by one percentage point to 8%, effective Dec. 1.Wednesday's devaluation -- Vietnam's third since June 2008 -- reflects strains on the economy caused in part by aggressive stimulus spending and low foreign reserves. It also highlights differences between Vietnam and its regional neighbors. Vietnam is one of the only economies in Asia with both a fiscal budget deficit and a current-account deficit, a combination that puts pressure on the dong to weaken.

JapanReuters - May 18, 2009

Moody's Investors Service stripped the Japanese government of its last triple-A foreign currency credit rating on Monday in a move that could revive market speculation about the creditworthiness of other rich nations, especially the United States. The two-notch downgrade to Aa2 from Aaa was a token censure for Japan which has almost no foreign currency debt exposure. Moody's upgraded Tokyo's local currency rating to Aa2 from Aa3 saying the domestic bond market was able to cope with government plans for new borrowing. The agency described the move as a largely technical one but also said Japan was in a worse situation than many other governments in its top ratings bracket.

UkraineBloomberg - February 25, 2009

Ukraine’s credit rating was cut two levels by Standard & Poor’s to the lowest in Europe, a day after Latvia was downgraded to junk, as eastern Europe’s most debt- laden economies lurch closer to default. Ukraine’s long-term foreign currency rating was lowered to CCC+, seven levels below investment grade, the rating company said in an e-mailed statement today, saying political turmoil poses growing risks to the country’s International Monetary Fund loan. The rating is on a par with Pakistan and S&P left the outlook negative, indicating a possible further cut.

United StatesReuters - September 17, 2008

Pressure is building on the pristine "AAA" rating of the United States after a federal bailout of American International Group Inc, the chairman of Standard & Poor's sovereign ratings committee said on Wednesday.

The $85 billion bailout of AIG on Tuesday by the U.S. Federal Reserve "has weakened the fiscal profile of the United States," S&P's John Chambers told Reuters in an interview.

"Lack of a pro-active stance could have resulted in further financial stress and put pressure on the U.S. triple-A rating," Chambers said. "There's no God-given gift of a 'AAA' rating, and the U.S. has to earn it like everyone else."

Daniel Aaronson - Lee Markowitz -

Continental Capital Advisors, LLC

Continental Capital Advisors, LLC was formed to offset the destruction of wealth caused by the global devaluation of currencies by central banks. The name Continental Capital symbolizes the 1775 US Currency, "the Continental", which was backed by nothing and quickly became devalued.

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion and is not intended as investment advice. Comments within the text should not be construed as specific recommendations to buy or sell securities. Individuals should consult with their broker and personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities. Certain statements included herein may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of certain securities legislative measures. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the above mentioned companies, and / or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Any action taken as a result of reading this is solely the responsibility of the reader.

Obama Spreads War Flames to Engulf Middle East

Global Research, January 16, 2010

As President Obama steps up the war that is inflaming ever wider sectors of the Middle East, USA continues its rapid slide toward Third World status. The two developments are not unrelated. Spending on war does not boost an economy as does domestic spending---and the Pentagon has been spending trillions on war.

At the start of the last decade, the U.S. was producing 32 percent of the world's gross domestic product. At decade’s end, it was just 24 percent, conservative columnist Patrick Buchanan observed. "No nation in modern history, save for the late Soviet Union, has seen so precipitous a decline in relative power in a single decade," he writes.

Buchanan cites the George W. Bush Republicans for turning a budget surplus into a huge deficit with tax cuts and social spending. He also faults GWB’s two wars, adding, "the huge U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq serves as (al-Qaeda's) recruiting poster."

This is the desperate situation President Obama is compounding by dispatching 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, building up U.S. and NATO forces there to nearly 140,000. To this figure add 100,000 U.S. contractors, making the actual number of military-related personnel about a quarter million. All at the expense of the American taxpayers!

"The war---once mostly limited to Pakistan border---has spread to nearly every corner of the country" and “penetrated" the capital Kabul "with car bombings and spectacular attacks," the AP reported January 10th. Its headline: "Afghans Losing Hope After 8 Years of War."

The AP quotes 19-year-old carpet-seller Hamid Hashimi stating, "The more soldiers they send here, the worse it gets." And the more misguided air attacks that kill civilians, the angrier Afghan civilians get. The raids "have previously killed civilians and inflamed anti-American sentiment among Afghans," Joshua Partlow reported in the Washington Post.

"The use of Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles to fire missiles, while not as frequent as in Pakistan, is increasingly common in Afghanistan,” Partlow wrote. And based on a study by the non-profit, New America Foundation of Washington, D.C., President Obama has increased those strikes dramatically.

According to the AP of Jan. 15, there have been more than 70 U.S. missile strikes in Pakistan over the last two years. “At least 700 people are reported to have been killed, many of them militants, including several foreign al Qaeda leaders, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.”

The wire service continues, “In public, Pakistani government officials criticize the strikes and say the United States, which is deeply unpopular in Pakistan, is acting unilaterally.” The CIA-directed program began in earnest two years ago, AP says. “The surge signals the Obama administration’s reliance on the tactic despite official protest from Islamabad.”

(Note that the U.S. is “deeply unpopular” in Pakistan. Imagine its unpopularity across the Moslem world, Asia, and even much of Europe. As one Middle East businessman cracked after being wrongly tossed into an American jail, “I’ve bought my last Cadillac.”)

By pouring in hundreds of thousands of troops to chase after a few hundred al Qaeda militants, the U.S. is spreading the war to wider and wider areas, and by using aerial assassination tactics, it is turning civilian populations into America haters.

These tactics raise the question of whether the U.S. will launch air strikes anywhere it believes al Qaeda forces are. Senator Carl Levin, Armed Services Committee chairman, January 13th asked whether the war will widen to include Yemen, known to have al Qaeda forces there. Will Yemen become the fourth country in which the U.S. is fighting? And, if you credit a report by Seymour Hersh that the U.S. already has “boots on the ground” in Iran, will there soon be all-out fighting in five Middle East countries?

According to liberal columnist Jim Hightower (Dec. 2nd), the government’s “rationales for escalation are hardly confidence boosters. The goal, we're told, is to defeat the al-Qaida terrorist network that threatens our national security. Yes, but al-Qaida is not in Afghanistan! Nor is it one network. It has metastasized, with strongholds now in Pakistan, Indonesia, Morocco, Yemen and Somalia, plus even having enclaves in England and France.” Exactly, and why Buchanan used the phrase “recruiting poster.” Hightower claims, “Obama has been taken over by the military industrial hawks and national security theorists who play war games with other people's lives and money.” As this writer noted earlier, the Pentagon’s yearly budget now exceeds the annual expenditures of all 50 states for the health, education, welfare, and safety of 308-million Americans. What do you call that if not a warfare state?

Whoever is calling the shots, the cost to Americans and to the people of the Middle East is sobering. As Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz and financial analyst Linda Bilmes wrote in “The Three Trillion Dollar War”(Norton): “Miserable though Saddam Hussein’s regime was, life is actually worse for the Iraqi people now. The country’s roads, schools, hospitals, homes and museums have been destroyed and its citizens have less access to electricity and water than before the war.” They add, “Apart from America’s oil and defense industries, it is hard to find any real winners.” Life is also worse for the American people, too, and not just from higher gasoline prices.

Millions of Americans have been sliding into poverty since 2001, losing their homes and jobs, and are unable to afford to educate their children. Stiglitz writes the true cost of the Iraq conflict is $3 trillion and points out for one-third hat sum USA could have built, for example, eight million new housing units (and created an immense number of new jobs in the process) or educated 43 million college students---giving a terrific boost to the economy.

But instead of seeking diplomatic solutions, President Obama is continuing the blind wars of aggression launched by his predecessor. Terrorist missile strikes kill just like IEDs. Those who wage war are terrorists, period. When will Americans catch on?

Sherwood Ross has worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and as a columnist for wire services. Reach him at

Global Research Articles by Sherwood Ross

U.S. Government, on its way to Bankruptcy

Michael Pollaro

The U.S. government is quite literally out of control.

I'm not talking about a government which shows an almost total disregard for the U.S. Constitution. I'm not talking about elitist politicians in Congress who think they know what's best for you, who think it's their job to take care of you from cradle to grave, whether you like it or not. I'm not even talking about an administration whose policies sometimes appear to have more in common with the command and control societies of Benito Mussolini or Karl Marx than they do with the freedom loving societies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

No, what I'm talking about is a government whose fiscal finances are a mess. I'm talking about a government that, because of these policies, thinks nothing of spending what it does not have, of committing to obligations that it can not possibly keep, and then trying to stick someone else with the bill.

One of the basic tenets of Austrian Economics is that actions have consequences. And when the government spends money, someone has to pick up the bill.

The fact is if you believe the U.S. government should be policing the world, that's going to cost you. If you believe the U.S. government should be providing unemployment insurance to the jobless, social security to the elderly, money for your kid's education or medical care to everyone, that's going to cost you too. And if you believe the U.S. government had no other choice then to bail out AIG, Fannie Mae or General Motors, to supposedly save the economy, that's fine. But someone still has to pay the tab.

Over the next few posts, I will attempt to lay bare the facts of a government that is going to have a lot of trouble meeting its obligations. In fact, these obligations, years in the making, are so big, that unless policies change, and fast, the tab the U.S. government is running will be so big that national bankruptcy is a certainty. Not today. Not tomorrow. But it's coming, and it's as sure as death and taxes.

If you are an American taxpayer, a holder of U.S. government debt, or simply a holder of U.S. dollars take heed. This is your bill.

Part 1. Peter doesn't know the half of it

Let's start with some facts about U.S. government spending.

For the fiscal year ending September 2009, U.S. government spending, representing budget, off-budget and supplemental appropriations, was about $3.8 trillion dollars. At 27% of GDP, excluding the World War II years 1942-1945, that's the highest share of government spending relative to GDP on record. For all the talk about the government not doing enough during this economic crisis, it's instructive to note that this is 2.3 times the peak rate reached during the Great Depression and 3.3 times the average rate seen for the whole of the 1930s.

Quite simply, the U.S. government is spending itself silly. And by the looks of it, the Obama administration and this Congress, with their endless spending plans, are set to put this spending machine into overdrive.

So then, how will the U.S. government pay for all this spending? Can the government foot the bill?

To answer these questions, it will be helpful to first understand how U.S. government spending got so big, and in so doing, set the stage for understanding why it will be impossible, unless policies change, for the government to foot that bill.

The U.S. government has NO money. It takes money from Peter to spend it on Paul. It takes money from Peter, whether Peter likes it or not, whether Peter receives something of value from the exchange or not. It's called a tax. And the simple fact is government spending ALWAYS means government taxes.

Tell me something I don't know, you say. Well, yes and no, for here's where it gets a bit tricky.

Besides the ever constant cry for more government spending in support of Paul, it's the way in which the government taxes Peter that allows the government to spend so much on Paul. Lay the bill bare and its likely Peter throws a fit. But mask Paul's true cost and maybe Peter will be, shall we say, more willing to support the government's desire to spend money on Paul.

The U.S. government taxes Peter in 3 different ways:

- Tax Peter now

- Tax Peter later

- Tax Peter don't tell him

Tax Peter now

This is the easy one for Peter to figure out. These are the kind of taxes that are taken right out of Peter's pocket, right in front of his eyes – taxes like income and capital gains taxes, social security and medicare taxes – the ones on his IRS forms. The government has a more soothing name for these taxes. They call them receipts. Peter knows better. And so do politicians. They know that if they abuse this tax venue it will likely get them thrown out of office.

Tax Peter later

This one is a bit harder for Peter to figure out, and as a result, a tax venue the politicians really like. This is the U.S. treasury entering the capital markets and borrowing from the savers of the world, to fund the government's spending. This is treasury bills, notes and bonds. Problem is this is nothing more than taxes deferred, and to add insult to injury, taxes with interest. Peter's kids will have to pay these taxes. So maybe, the politicians think, Peter won't notice, or at least they hope he won't notice, until they're out of office. The government has a soft sounding name for these taxes too. They call it borrowing.

And finally, every politician's favorite tax,

Tax Peter don't tell him

This is the hardest tax venue for Peter to figure out, and a subset of Tax Peter later, I mean borrowing. This is the Federal Reserve entering the capital markets and buying those treasury bills, notes and bonds with money printed out of thin air, through a check the Federal Reserve writes on itself, so that the U.S. government can in turn take that money and spend it on Paul. The government doesn't have a name for these taxes, because they don't want to talk about them. We Austrians, we call these taxes the inflation tax.

Why, you ask, is printing money a tax on Peter? How is this taking money from Peter to spend it on Paul?

Here's why and how.

As the first recipient of this newly printed money, it appears that Paul is getting something for nothing. He gets unemployment benefits to buy food and clothes, subsidized medical care for his wife and free college educations for his kids. Paul gets all this without having to do a thing in return, without having to produce anything. He gets all this solely because he's on the receiving end of the Federal Reserve's printing press. And the best part about it – it appears he's getting all this without a dime from Peter.

And that's exactly what our politician friends are hoping you think. This, however, is only part one of the story.

Before long, because of Paul's spending, this newly printed money makes it way into the hands of Peter. Armed with this new purchasing power, Peter is now in a position to bid for these goods and services, right along with Paul. The effect of this competitive bidding is to drive the prices of all these goods and services up – the prices of food, clothing, medical care and college educations. The rise in the prices of these goods and services is slow at first, but as the newly printed money makes its way into the hands of more and more Peters, the prices of these goods and services rise to the full extent of the newly printed money.

For sure, in the end, everyone gets the same goods and services at the higher prices. But as the first recipient of the newly printed money, Paul, for as long as it takes for the newly printed money to make its way into the hands of Peter, gets to buy these goods and services at the lower prices, in exchange for nothing. Peter, on the other hand, gets nothing but higher prices.

Thus, Paul gets to steal purchasing power from Peter. And it occurs without Peter even knowing it. That's why politicians love the inflation tax. They get to hand out candy to Paul, all the while telling Peter, as well as Paul that the candy is free.

We Austrians can't think of a more sinister tax. Not only does printing money steal purchasing power from Peter for the benefit of Paul and produce higher prices, but when pursued without limit, it will eventually reduce the value of that money to zero, and with it, the hard earned savings of anyone holding that money.

You see, a government cannot print money, as a matter of policy, year after year, and expect people to want to hold that money forever, without question. As the money printing policy proceeds, seeing prices rise and the value of that money fall, they will want to hold less of it. The increased supply of money now combines with a decline in the demand for it causing the value of that money to fall further and for prices to rise even higher. And if this money printing policy is pushed to the extreme, when people come to realize that it is a deliberate policy with no end in sight, as they watch prices continue to rise and the value of that money continue to fall, they will come to want no part of that money. They will exit that money en masse, with the inevitable result being its complete destruction.

This inflation tax is very nasty stuff, something that our politician friends obviously can't depend on forever; that is, if they care about the value of the U.S. dollar, not to mention Peter, and even Paul's hard earned savings.

Let's now bring these concepts to life with a look at the U.S. government's fiscal 2009 financials:

Spending $3.8 trillion

Reciepts (Tax Peter now) $2.1 trillion

Fiscal Surplus / Deficit – $1.7 trillion

Borrowing $1.7 trillion, via

Capital Markets (Tax Peter later) $1.4 trillion

Federal Reserve (Tax Peter don't tell him) $0.3 trillion

Exactly as we would have surmised. Not only do we have a boat load of spending, but it's being financed by a lot of those hard to figure out taxes too. At $1.7 trillion, about 45% of fiscal 2009's spending was financed this way, with a dose of those nasty inflation taxes to boot.

No wonder why the U.S. government can spend so much money on Paul. No wonder why spending was 27% of GDP in 2009 and both the Obama administration and Congress are still talking about more. Peter literally doesn't know the half of it.

Now, if all this was just a one year event, even this contrarian wouldn't be too alarmed. Unfortunately, this kind of stuff has been going on in Washington for years. Because the government has been able to mask the cost of all this spending, deferring and hiding these costs through its borrowing and inflation tax venues, the U.S. government has taken on obligations that it likely can not keep.

How big are these obligations?

The U.S. government has gross debt outstanding, meaning years of Tax Peter later, of $12 trillion. And depending on the source and calculation methodology, the U.S. government is on the hook for an additional $50 to $100 trillion more in unfunded liabilities. Using $75 trillion as the proxy for unfunded liabilities, that's debt plus unfunded liabilities of 6 times GDP and an eye-popping 41 times 2009 receipts.

And the trends are going from bad to worse

How is the U.S. government going to honor these obligations? Can it even do it? Is Peter able, willing and ready to pay higher taxes? Will Paul be willing to do with less? Or will the answer be the Federal Reserve's printing press, and quite possibly the destruction of the U.S. dollar?

More on these trends, and answers to these questions beginning with my next post...

Our Revolting Elites

J. R. Nyquist

In 1995 Christopher Lasch came out with The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. The introduction was titled "The Democratic Malaise" and included chapters like "Does Democracy Deserve to Survive?" and "The Lost Art of Argument." The threat to our civilization, said Lasch, does not come from the masses. The threat comes from the elite. The masses have proved to be conservative. Against the most successful institutions and folkways in history, against the greatest civilization ever to arise, the elite revolted; and in the course of this revolt, wrote Lasch, "they betray the venomous hatred that lies not far beneath the smiling face of upper-middle-class benevolence."

Those of us who are not part of the elite's fashionable revolution are "racist, sexist and homophobic." We are fit objects for extermination or re-education because, in the end, we just don't get it. "Simultaneously arrogant and insecure," wrote Lasch, "the new elites, the professional classes in particular, regard the masses with mingled scorn and apprehension. In the United States , 'Middle America' -- a term that has both geographical and social implications -- has come to symbolize everything that stands in the way of progress: 'family values,' mindless patriotism, religious fundamentalism, racism...."

According to Lasch, there are far worse problems facing America than racism: "the crisis of competence; the spread of apathy and a suffocating cynicism; the moral paralysis of those who value 'openness' above all." Lasch saw an intellectual softening underway. He warned that culture "is a way of life backed up by the will to condemn and punish those who defy its commandments." As for the claim that we are now enlightened, he scoffed. The information revolution, he said, has not raised the level of public intelligence. It is no secret, he continued, "that the public knows less about public affairs than it used to know. Millions of Americans cannot begin to tell you what is in the Bill of Rights, what Congress does, what the Constitution says about the powers of the presidency, how the party system emerged or how it operates. A sizeable majority, according to a recent survey, believe that Israel is an Arab nation."

The crisis of competence is, perhaps, the most troubling problem of all. It comes in three forms: (1) as a general incompetence for living; (2) as an incompetence that wants to manage society, and determine economic outcomes through a redistribution of wealth; (3) as an incompetence through the lowering of professional standards. The first is less dangerous to society than the second, and the third compounds the second. In terms of a general incompetence for living (1): It may be said that people are no longer literate; that their attention span has been attenuated by television and is unsuited to the study of difficult subjects; that their health is ruined through fast food, soft drinks, and excessive indulgence in sweets; that the sexes are disoriented and no longer know how to live together or behave; that children suffer from poor discipline. What is shocking to discover, however, is that all of these things have been encouraged by the purveyors of (2): the would-be managers of society who rail against the market, against fatherhood, against punishment and discipline, and against the necessities of war.

"A lust for immediate gratification pervades American society from top to bottom," noted Lasch. "There is a universal concern with the self -- with 'self-fulfillment' and more recently with 'self-esteem,' slogans of a society incapable of generating a sense of civic obligation." Lash warned that there was a growing disinclination "to subordinate self-interest" to the general will. What makes a nation defensible is the willingness of people to subordinate their personal desires in time of war. An old veteran who fought in Vietnam once insisted to me that the anti-war movement was a selfishness movement. In C.S. Lewis's The Weight of Glory we find a chapter titled "Why I Am Not a Pacifist." In this chapter Lewis wrote that pacifism consists "in assuming that the great permanent miseries in human life must be curable if only we can find the right cure." Here in America we have an elite that is pathologically imbued with finding the right cure. Here the mediocrity of their thinking shines brightest.

Today's elite does not possess intellectual excellence. Arguably, they do not know what excellence is, because their whole education has come out of third-rate minds -- or worse. Our brightest people are taught remarkably stupid ideas in universities. What they have lost is a sense of history, which is the most important sense for those tasked with guiding society. As Lasch correctly noted, "History has given way to an infantilized version of sociology, in obedience to the misconceived principle that the quickest way to engage children's attention is to dwell on what is closest to home: their families, their neighborhoods; the local industries; the technologies on which they depend. A more sensible assumption would be that children need to learn about faraway places and olden times before they can make sense of their immediate surroundings."

It is not that President Bush was incompetent in managing the war in Iraq. The entire elite was incompetent, and Bush made this discovery, and was forced into a position of sorting out a mess caused by his underlings (and by himself). In the financial crisis we see the same forces at work. Every attempt to find a cure is worse than the disease. We move, therefore, from crisis to crisis, from catastrophe to catastrophe. If we had only educated our elite differently. If we had only given them history instead of what Lasch called "infantile sociology."

Copyright © 2010 Jeffrey R. Nyquist Email

CFTC to Limit Gold and Silver Trading

Daily Bell

Speculative energy traders are not the only ones who may face new trading limits by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. On Thursday as the CFTC unveiled the proposed new limits for energy products, its chairman, Gary Gensler (pictured left), said the agency intends to move on to looking at metals next. "The commission is interested in hearing from the public as to issues related to the trading of futures and options in the precious metals markets, such as silver and gold, and to consider the appropriateness of position limits in those markets," Gensler said at an open meeting. "I hope to have a public meeting on this separate topic in the beginning of March."... The proposal does not propose limits for metals, but it seeks comments from the public on potentially imposing similar cumulative-type limits in other commodities including metals and agricultural products like coffee and sugar. CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton said he supports position limits for metals, and he was disappointed the CFTC is not able to propose limits for them at the same time. - Dow Jones News

Dominant Social Theme:

Gold is a bubble?

Free-Market Analysis:

So it comes down to this. The American CFTC which runs gold and silver trading is concerned about "speculative bubbles" and is determined to get ahead of the curve. It may impose limits on how much metal can be purchased, in aggregate, on any given day or even set up a trading band that cannot be breached day-to-day. Who knows? The concern is generated by the meltdown of stock markets and fiat-money driven investing generally is said to have generated the CFTC's interest in limiting speculation on a variety of commodities. Where the CFTC goes, by the way, others throughout the West, and even Asia, etc., shall likely follow.

From the point of view of the esteemed Ted Butler, whom we have interviewed, it is the concentration of short positions that would be most affected by position limits. He has written the following (October '09):

My suggestion is that, in light of my new gold versus silver position limit calculations today, the Chairman should direct the CME to publicly explain why the all-months-combined position limit in COMEX silver should not be immediately reduced to 1500 contracts. After all, the CME’s own white paper lays out the formula approach and lists the variable inputs; volume, open interest and deliverable supplies. It is my further suggestion that the Chairman call upon Commissioners Dunn and Sommers to offer the same public explanation, in light of their clear support of the CME’s general position. It is an explanation I am sure many would be interested in hearing.

If and when the all-months-combined hard position limit in COMEX silver is reduced to 1500 contracts, the issue of the big concentrated short position will be exposed for the fraud and manipulation that it has been all along. Whether it is one big US bank (JPMorgan) holding 30,000 contracts, or the four largest traders holding 15,500 contracts each on average, a 1500 contract limit will prove just how outrageous and excessive these big silver short positions have been. And if the CME or the dissenting commissioners don’t have the moxie to step forward with a public defense of the 6,000 contract current limit, the chairman should make the big shorts do so themselves. Drag these big shorts out into the sunshine and have them explain why only 4 traders make up the entire commercial silver net short position. Now that would be real transparency.

We agree, perhaps, with Butler's position from a standpoint of practicality, though from a free-market perspective, we would always rather see markets opened up rather than further limited and controlled. Also, we wonder if somehow the limits will end up affecting gold and silver on the up side, while somehow exempting the short-side positions of the very biggest players (JP Morgan, etc.). As silver analyst David Morgan has written, there may be other issues (delivery, private paper trading, etc.) that are of import as well. Certainly within this context (from the point of view of the powers-that-be), gold would seem to be a candidate for price controls - and silver a somewhat lesser one. Gold especially has seen vast price hikes in the past 10 years, from US$250 an ounce to US$1,200 and even more.

We simply don't have that much faith in the CFTC to do anything meaningful for the gold and silver market, given its track record. It has been suggested that the CFTC is so embarrassed at this point about the manipulation that its hand is being forced - and this time it will "do the right thing." This may be so. Nonetheless, many gold bulls especially are very suspicious of the motives of the CTFC which has long been believed - by many smallish investors in the metals community - to be providing regulatory cover for a manipulation of the metals markets by major players that goes back several decades. Indeed, the kind of fiat money system that the West now has in place is prone to unexpected collapses and when these collapses take place, gold and silver retain their value by contrast - and look as if they are gaining considerable value because of paper-money ruination.

In the 1970s, the business cycle turned and gold and silver showed considerable strength. Manipulation of perceptions is most important when one is trying to revive a fiat-paper standard - and from this point of view paper-money standards are no more or less promotional than any of the other memes that the power elite promotes to expand wealth and control. Fiat money almost collapsed recently. This blunt statement however is rarely if ever voiced. The biggest bubble in the world is not in securities, or technology or even over in China - the biggest bubble now is paper money itself, which has been inflated by central bank overprinting to massive proportions.

The over-printing has temporarily disguised the ruinous erosion in value of paper money, especially the dollar, but the trends are ominous and continuous. Every upward tick of gold and silver now (since metals prices have climbed dramatically) is another nail in the coffin of paper-money credibility. The only competitor Western money really has in the foreseeable future is gold and silver -which actually have proven historical value.


The West, especially the Anglo-American power elite, will do almost anything to slow the appeal of gold and silver in the world - and we don't think that's changed. Every price rise erodes the validity of fiat money a little bit more. The elite just got finished "saving" the modern financial system, or so they proclaim. Actually, they were simply able to stave off a total fiat-money meltdown by printing trillions in additional paper currency and demanding that banks circulate the notes. The system is in parlous shape. If gold and silver keep going up - especially at a rapid clip - the manipulations of the power-elite will come under jeopardy once again. We hope the CFTC's efforts will result in what Ted Butler anticipates - a fairer and less manipulated market and the robust prices gold and silver deserve based on market demand. Of course, time will tell what the CFTC's true motives are. (Updated 15, January '10)

Groveling at the Fed: Greenspan and Bernanke

Fred Sheehan

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke gave a speech on January 3, 2010 that was incomprehensible. The address itself will be discussed later. It is important first to consider the precedent of Federal Reserve chairmen making absurd claims - and getting away with it.

A place to start is Alan Greenspan's 2002 speech in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The then Federal Reserve chairman explained that central banks could not identify bubbles because "only history books and musty archives gave us clues to the appropriate stance for the policy." There are several problems with this excuse, not to mention his even less credible fiddle-faddle. More important though, is that the chairman's address was disseminated with very little opposition along channels of communication. Economists cheered or remained silent. With a few notable exceptions, the media reported Greenspan's speech as if it was a press release, which it was.

More up-to-date is Alan Greenspan's appearance before Congress in October 2008. He had left the Fed in January 2006. In 2008, he testified about his contribution to the worldwide financial meltdown.

Greenspan was "shocked" to find a "flaw" in his "ideology." He discussed his model that impugned "40 years or more of considerable evidence." His model miscalculated the "self-interest of lending institutions" that he believed protected shareholder interests. Greenspan explained his naïveté was the reason he had not regulated banks properly.

Greenspan's mistake was so often repeated that it acquired an official status. There are (at least) three official bodies that profit from this hallucination. First, the politicians. Since the Federal Reserve is the nation's leading bank regulator, the politicians who inflated the credit bubble (e.g., through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide Credit, banks that securitized mortgages, the National Association of Homebuilders) have not been held to account. The politicians are free to toy with petty financial regulation, while Fannie, Freddie and lethal derivatives are compounding as before.

The second body is the Federal Reserve. In a more mature world, after such a display of catastrophic incompetence, the Fed would be disbanded. Instead, since Greenspan's mistake was due to his model's flaw (not a fault of the former Federal Reserve chairman) and because bankers' standards of integrity fell so far below Greenspan's impeccable conduct that he could not comprehend such behavior, the Federal Reserve has been handed a parking ticket.

The third body is Alan Greenspan. He has been exempted from his responsibility for the ongoing liquidation of America. The former chairman has received blame, but still receives accolades. Greenspan continues to speak for large fees. His prophecies are still quoted across the media and the recently endowed Alan Greenspan Chair in Economics at New York University demonstrate that groveling can get you anywhere.

Greenspan has remained relatively unscathed because he is still useful. In this case, to the politicians and every economist who is using Greenspan's error to promote more regulation. There will be many opportunities for both politicians and economists to get rich from new legislation.

Alan Greenspan's self-proclaimed "ideology" is essential to his innocence, to the Fed's exemption from failure and to the politicians' fevered attempts to separate themselves from responsibility. Despite the incessant noise about Greenspan's ideology, he never had one. He's never even had an idea.

The publicity is of a man who acquired his free-market ideology sitting at the feet of Ayn Rand. This is reported over and over by the media. He didn't know what Rand was talking about.

Nathaniel Branden, Rand's number one acolyte in the 1950s and also the Randian closest to Greenspan, wrote years later: "Now, looking at [Alan], I wondered to what extent he was aware of Ayn's opinions." Complimenting Ayn on some passage, Greenspan might say, "On reading tends to feel...exhilarated." Platitudes and assurances also mesmerized the nation 50 years later.

Today, for the media to suggest Greenspan did not operate from a free-market ideology would throw open the question of why Greenspan blew up the banking and credit systems. It would introduce the possibility that he was prone to act as the large financial institutions would like him to act. It would also reveal the extent to which he - and Bernanke - say what politicians want them to say.

On January 3, 2010, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke stated low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve from 2002 to 2006 did not play a part in the housing bubble. Instead, he claimed, it was loose regulation that has left a good part of the country on the cusp of poverty. This interpretation cannot even be classified as poor economics, but it is good politics. In January, the Senate is scheduled to vote on a second four-year-term for Bernanke as Fed chairman. Like Greenspan, Bernanke is useful. He will probably receive another term.

January 16, 2009

Fred Sheehan [send him mail] is finishing a biography of Alan Greenspan. He writes frequently for the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, Whiskey & Gunpowder and the Prudent Bear website. He has worked in the financial industry for more than two decades. He is the author of Panderer to Power: The Untold Story of How Alan Greenspan Enriched Wall Street and Left a Legacy of Recession (McGraw-Hill, November 2009).

Copyright © 2009 Fred Sheehan

Opportunity or Catastrophe? - Coming Soon... Profiting from The Cartel's 'End Game' Juggernaut

DeepCaster LLC

"...To put it bluntly, Faber says, 'we are doomed'...

Faber, a long-time critic of U.S. policies, argues the private sector acted rationally after 2008 by deleveraging and increasing its savings. The government, on the other hand, added more debt and leverage. They can get away with it for now because interest rates are low. Eventually, interest rates will rise, causing the public sector debt bubble to burst under the weight of government entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security...

The only way out is for the government to print more dollars. Of course, that leads to inflation and a weak dollar. And, even worse, he says, 'to distract the attention of ordinary people you go to war'... "

Fed's Record Profit Does Not Change Anything. US Still "Doomed" says Marc Faber - Tech-Ticker, 1/12/2010

"Now this is a guaranteed rape job.

In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why's that folks?) Rick Santelli was talking about a potential to effectively force money into the Treasury market.

Where would they get this?

From your 401k and IRA accounts! (emphasis added)

From Businessweek:

The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.

Let me tell you what this is - it is an attempt to prevent the collapse of the Treasury market!

Forcing people into Treasuries as an "annuity" is exactly what Social Security allegedly is. Except that Treasury stole the money that was collected in FICA taxes and spent it!

Guess what? They'll do that here too - you're going to "invest" in Treasuries which of course are effectively a CALL option on the future taxing ability of the government.

The problem is that with an aging population and the immigrant problem (illegal immigrants that is), along with offshoring, the aggregate wage base will drop and thus this is the most dangerous investment of all!

What's even worse is that the government has intentionally suppressed Treasury yields during this crisis (and will keep doing so by various means, including manipulating the CPI - the "inflation index" - as they have for the last 30 years) so as to guarantee that you lose over time compared to actual purchasing power..."

401k/IRA Screw Job Coming? - Karl Denninger,, 1/8/10

Given the $12 Trillion plus (and increasing) U.S. national Debt and $70 Trillion plus Total Downstream Unfunded Federal Obligations, concerns that investors (especially China and Japan) will be increasingly reluctant to purchase U.S. Treasury Securities are well-founded.

These concerns have been reflected in the recent run-up on the Ten-Year Note Yields to the 3.8% level.

Indeed, regardless of what happens to ten-year and thirty-year yields in the short-term, the massive, ongoing and increasing U.S. Debt Issuance is bound to increase the upward pressure on U.S. Treasury Securities yields.

Moreover, the UK, France, Germany, Japan and Italy all have projected debt to GDP Ratios in excess of 50%, according to the IMF's October, 2009 World Economic Outlook.

That is why the possible scenarios outlined by Denninger and Faber above, while hyperbolic, are not out of the question.

Modern Nation-States have actually (Argentina) or potentially (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) suffered from Sovereign Debt Defaults. And even the United States may well partially default on its debts via the ongoing U.S. Dollar Purchasing Power Destruction.

But prior to that event the 401k/IRA Mandatory Conversion Threat would become very real.

Indeed, the foregoing Scenario raises the specter of U.S. (and other) Government Wealth Confiscation Schemes potential. After all, FDR's Gold Reserve Act of 1934 has already set this precedent.

Indeed, Gold and Silver are historically and legitimately the Safe Haven Assets. But not only are they subject to legislative attacks such as the 1934 Act, but their "market" prices have for several years been subject to attacks by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and Allies.

The most recent manifestation of Cartel* Intervention occurred just this past Tuesday January 12, 2010. The Cartel took down the Gold price over $20 in one day in the midst of what appeared to be a bounce back to the previous high just above $1200/oz.

Probably not coincidentally, the Tuesday Takedown preceded this week's auction of Treasury securities by just one day - a clear message to doubters that The Cartel still controls Precious Metals Prices and that Treasuries are "the safe place" to be.

Of course, we emphatically disagree that Treasuries are The Safe Place to be, but we hear it nonetheless.

These price Takedowns are understandable when one considers that increasingly wide acknowledgment of Gold and Silver's legitimacy as the ultimate Stores and Measures of Value, threatens the legitimacy of The Cartel's Treasury Securities and Fiat Currencies.

*We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster's December, 2009, Special Alert containing a summary overview of Intervention entitled "Forecasts And December, 2009 Special Alert: Profiting From The Cartel's Dark Interventions - III" and Deepcaster's July, 2009 Letter entitled "A Strategy For Profiting From The Cartel's Dark Interventions & Evolving Techniques - II" in the "Alerts" and "Latest Letter" Cache at Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at for information on precious metals price manipulation. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster's profitable recommendations displayed at have been facilitated by attention to these "Interventionals."

Deepcaster has developed a Strategy for acquiring Gold and Silver designed to profit despite these periodic attacks, see "Defeating The Cartel...with Profit" (Part 1 - 03/28/2008 and Part 2 - 06/19/2009) in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' cache at

Yet another Challenge is presented by the ongoing issuance of Bogus 'Official Statistics' by Official Sources. Official Data Distortion and Manufacturing has become so egregious that even the Establishment Economist Michael Boskin (President George W. Bush's Economic Advisor) has said that making policy decisions on "misleading, biased, or manufactured numbers is dangerous".

Consider the following Real Numbers from which calculates the Real Numbers the way they were calculated in the 1980's and 1990's before Official Data Manipulation began in earnest.

Official Numbers
Real Numbers
Annual Consumer Price Inflation
reported December 16, 2009
8.77% (annualized December Rate)
U.S. Unemployment
reported January 8, 2009
U.S. GDP Annual Growth/Decline
reported December 22, 2009

When the risk of forcible conversion (via a mandated conversion of 401k/IRA Funds into a Treasury Securities "Annuity") is considered together with Real Inflation Numbers, the question of how one deploys Retirement Funds and Savings becomes quite important.

Consider as well that not only did a portfolio of Dow stocks show zero gain in the last decade, but according to Official Inflation figures, that Dow Portfolio would have lost 30%.

When considering the Real Inflation Numbers that Portfolio lost much more than 30%.

Finally, in addition to considering the Real Numbers it is essential to consider the consequences of the Fed's monetizing increasing amounts of bad debt.

Consider this from Bob Chapman:

"We wonder if the public realizes that all the bad debt bought up by the Fed, more than $2 trillion, will in part eventually have to be assumed by the taxpayer. Some realize the problem, and they seem to be in denial, the rest simply don't understand. In time the gravity of the situation will become reality. The present economic buoyancy is mainly based on inventory recapitalization and accumulation, but the underlying demand has to appear and with unemployment hovering around 23% how can policymakers believe that a recovery can carry through?...As quantitative easing and higher interest rates take their toll do these elitists have the fortitude to carry their program through? We dispute that they do. The distortions are going to be deep and large, particularly in both residential and commercial real estate. The later actions will bring the US and world economy into total deflationary economic and financial depression...

The Fed, as we have in the past, pointed out intercedes into and manipulates markets... The Fed purchases are presently estimated to be in the vicinity of $1 trillion or about 2/3's of existing issues in mid-range yields. One of the big questions is who were the sellers and what were the prices paid by the Fed. They have thus far refused to release this information. The Fed has recently said they will start to slowly sell these securities. The question is at what price? The Fed may have relieved the holders, mostly banks, of the MBS, but at what price? This is simply another taxpayer bailout of the people who caused the problem in the first place. As a result the public is furious and they have sternly passed their anger on to their representatives in Congress, who were responsible for massive support of Ron Paul's HR1207 and the bill to audit and investigate the Fed. This and the health care legislation will see many Democrats not returning to Congress next year. The public mistrusts the Fed now more than the IRS.

Even if the Fed does not raise interest rates soon the market will do it for them, and that looks like it is in progress." - The International Forecaster Bob Chapman, January 9, 2010

"The result of this tremendous infusion of money and credit has been the survival of banking, Wall Street and insurance, and a fall in household net worth of almost $7 trillion. We'd call that an uneven, unbalanced performance. The culprits have been bailed out and the public has paid for it. The next natural question is what will the Treasury and the Fed do for an encore? The treasury is running a $1.7 trillion deficit, and is the go to source for employment. The Fed says it is going to withdraw liquidity from the system and that they intend to raise interest rates in July or there abouts. If this is the case you had best prepare for a deflationary depression. We do not believe the Fed for one second. Do they really believe this will save the dollar? We do not think so....

That leads us to our latest information gleaned through private Fed meetings. They believe the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications. In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely in the first six months of 2011... Our position is that bank lending will not improve nor will unemployment. If this is accompanied by official devaluation and default everything could break loose. The elitists realizing this will arrange another 9/11-type event with the usual cast of characters and we expect conflict will spread into Pakistan and that Israel will attack Iran enveloping the Middle East in flames. That would send oil prices considerably higher and cause a collapse of world stock markets, with the exception of gold and silver shares. The excuse to impose Martial law would be apparent. The country could go into lockdown. Transportation could be limited, food and gas rationed, banks closed and many other major inconveniences. The current mainline media, Wall Street and governmental propaganda about economic recovery would end, they never having to prove that a recovery ever existed. During the first six months of 2010, Americans and others will continue to live in their world of unreality. These hopeless fools are again being taken down the garden path. The world as we know it is about to change dramatically, so prepare for it...

In the meantime we observe that foreign exchange reserves denominated in US dollars has fallen from 64.5% to 61.8% in the last six months of 2009. This represents huge sales of dollars most of which was in the form of Treasury and Agency bonds..." The International Forecaster Bob Chapman, January 6, 2010

While acknowledging it is an uphill battle, there are steps Investors can take to Protect and Profit from the ongoing Cartel Juggernaut of Market Intervention and Data Manipulation. In order to fully understand what steps need to be taken we need first to briefly review certain of The Cartel's Policies, Actions, and their Consequences.

Consider that the Fed-led Cartel's policies appear to be resulting in a massive Wealth Transfer from Investors/Taxpayers around the world to the Fed-led Cartel and their favored financial institutions -- $11.9 Trillion in the last 6 months of 2008 alone when Equities Investors were losing Trillions (See Deepcaster's article "Opportunities & Threats in Derivatives Shocker" (5/29/2009) in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' cache at and see, path: Statistics > Derivatives, Table 19).

Of course, a key component of this wealth transfer involves debasing the value of the U.S. Dollar which, results from "the ultra-loose monetary policy of The "Federal Reserve". Since The Fed was established in 1913 the U.S. Dollar has lost over 95% of its Purchasing Power, as reported by Rep. Ron Paul and others.

One of several negative consequences is that Investors who have saved (they thought) wealth in Dollars over a lifetime have seen the Purchasing Power of those dollars dramatically eroded by, for example, over 35% in the last 8 years alone, and the erosion continues.

To elaborate a bit, there is considerable evidence that "ultra-loose monetary" and credit policies, and the consequent housing credit crises and Market Crash were the result of the conscious policy of the Fed-led Cartel.

Consider the following observation by Harry Schultz:

"...what is the reason for this "seemingly random monetary mess that multiplies its momentum every day? The answer, in one word, control. The elite/insiders already have control of the financial system, but they wanted more, much more...and it was not random, it was planned." (emphasis added)

"How will all the above manifest itself in your life? The answer: "All you own will shrink...your income, assets, net worth, will shrink year after year in real terms inflation adjusted and possibly also nominally." HS Letter, April 27, 2008.

Harry Schultz, Eminence Grise of the Newsletter writing Fraternity sees the Threat to Profits and Wealth posed by the Fed-led Cartel* quite clearly.

The Cartel* 'End Game', as Deepcaster has named it, apparently involves Stealthily transferring ever more Wealth and Power to The Cartel at the expense of Investors/Citizens around the world. (See below, and "Coping with the Superpower Cartel Threat" (1/30/09) in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' cache at

Of course, The Fed-led Cartel's increasing Power and Profits are threatened by Rep Ron Paul's 'Audit the Fed' Bill (H.R. 1207) which fortunately has garnered two thirds Majority of the U.S. House of Representatives as co-sponsors and over half of the Senate on a companion Bill. However, it is threatened by Congressman Barney Frank's parliamentary maneuvering resulting in merging it with a larger Bill that could actually result in enlarging the power of the Fed. We are not optimistic that the Final Bill will result in thoroughgoing Audit of The private for-profit Fed.

Moreover, the private for-profit Fed predictably responded to the Audit Threat with a not-so-veiled counter-Threat delivered via Chairman Bernanke's Testimony to Congress.

"Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke unleashed an alarming veiled threat of financial terrorism when he was questioned by Rep. Duncan on Thursday about his response to the fact that a majority of Congress (is) co-sponsoring Ron Pauls H.R. 1207 bill to audit the Federal Reserve.

Bernanke clearly regarded the bills intent as hostile to the institution he represents:

"My concern about the legislation is that if the GAO is auditing not only the operational aspects of the programs and the details of the programs but making judgments about our policy decisions (it) would effectively be a takeover of policy by the Congress and a repudiation of the Federal Reserve (which) would be highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, the Dollar and our national economic situation."

The brunt of Bernankes statement is as crystal clear as a threat from a common street thug -- back off from the Fed, or the economy gets it.

The chairman clearly implies that any attempt to restore monetary powers constitutionally granted to the Congress would be seen as a takeover and that the defensive and repudiated Fed would respond destructively.

Of course Congress' constitutional power over money is enumerated in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution:

"The Congress shall have power To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;" "

Bernanke Threatens Economic Collapse If Fed Audited - Aaron Dykes, Infowars, Friday, June 26, 2009

Indeed, The Fed's recent statements, that they intend to transfer the $50 billion plus profits they made from the TARP bailout, appears to be a Red Herring. They refuse to tell the U.S. Congress, or anyone else, how much profit they made from their vastly larger (than TARP) ongoing operations.

It is thus understandable two thirds of the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed on to a Bill (H.R. 1207) to audit the private for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve.

Whether all the signatories are fully aware of it or not, Fed Policies and actions are The Primary Cause of the Economic and Financial Crises from which we suffer today, as we show below and elsewhere.

The Root Cause of our Current Crises and The Systemic Threat to Democracy and Profits

Of great concern is F. William Engdahl's contention that the 2008 Credit Crunch and Market Crash were planned: " every major U.S. financial panic...the titans of Wall Street...have deliberately triggered bank panics behind the scenes to consolidate their grip on U.S. Banking..."

As background to understanding the ongoing implementation of The Cartel's Interventional Regime and "End Game" consider Engdahl's position:

" every major US financial panic since at least the Panic of 1835, the titans of Wall Street - most especially until 1929, the House of JP Morgan - have deliberately triggered bank panics behind the scenes in order to consolidate their grip on US banking. The private banks used the panics to control Washington policy including the exact definition of the private ownership of the new Federal Reserve in 1913, and to consolidate their control over industry such as US Steel, Caterpillar, Westinghouse and the like. They are, in short, old hands at such financial warfare to increase their power.

Now they must do something similar on a global scale to be able to continue to dominate global finance, the heart of the power of the American Century. That process of using panics to centralize their private power created an extremely powerful concentration of financial and economic power in a few private hands, the same hands which created the influential US foreign policy think-tank, the New York Council on Foreign Relations in 1919..."

Behind the panic: financial warfare over future of global bank power - F. William Engdahl, October 10, 2008

Consider the implications of the F. William Engdahl quote regarding "global bank power." As Engdahl points out, the evidence is increasing that the recent financial panic and economic distress is and has been pre-planned as a part of Cartel Strategy to increase power and, in our view, to implement its "End Game."

In light of these considerations it is not surprising that the Mega-Banks were the first to be "Saved" in the Fall, 2008 financial crisis (via e.g. funneling $160 billion plus via AIG to the Mega-Banks who received 100% of the amount they were at risk in their CDS transactions). That is, a Major Negative Consequence of the Fall, 2008 Market Crash was a Taxpayer Financial bailout of several Key Mega-Banks. Yet the Bailouts allowed them to move on to subsequent great profitability.

Consider the case of Goldman-Sachs. Not only did Goldman receive billions in TARP funds (subsequently repaid) but they also received $11.9 billion via the AIG bailout.

One result was that Goldman survived and is reportedly to pay an average of $500,000 plus to each employee in compensation.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Consumer/Taxpayer and often Investors/Mortgage Holder who is 70% of the U.S. Economy is left with Greater Debt (to fund the Bailouts) and interest payments on that debt to the private for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve. Goldman, but for the bailouts, would have collapsed. But the U.S. Consumers/Taxpayers, however, have not been "saved" at all. Indeed, the Mega-Banks have increased Credit Card Interest Rates to usurious levels. No gratitude there.

To understand the Cartel's apparent "End Game" we must understand the Root Cause.

The Root Cause of The 'End Game' Threat lies in the secrecy, structure, functioning and policies of the private-for-profit "U.S." Federal Reserve.

Various international private banks, several of which are headquartered in Europe, own the "United States" Federal Reserve Bank. The European Banks were among the founding banks whose representatives, including Paul Warburg who wrote the charter at the Jekyll Island Georgia meeting, as documented in "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G. Edward Griffin.

These International Bankers, acting through their "U.S." Fed, make money by creating money out of "thin air" as eloquently described by the Dean of the Newsletter Writers, Richard Russell:

"I still can't get over the whole Federal Reserve racket.

Consider the following - - let's take a situation where the U.S. government needs money. The U.S. doesn't just issue United States Notes, which, of course it could. These notes would be dollars backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. No, the U.S. doesn't issue dollars straight out of the U.S. Treasury.

This is what the U.S. does - - it issues Treasury Bonds. The U.S. then sells these bonds to the Fed. The Fed buys the bonds. Wait, how does the Fed pay for the bonds? The Fed simply creates money "out of thin air" (book-keeping entry) with which it buys the bonds. The money that the Fed creates from nowhere then goes to the U.S. The Fed holds the U.S. bonds, and the unbelievable irony is that the U.S. then pays interest on the very bonds that the U.S. itself issued. (With great profit to the private owners of The Fed - - Ed. Note) The mind boggles.

The damnable result is that the Fed effectively controls the U.S. money supply. The Fed is ...not even a branch of the U.S. government. The Fed is not mentioned in the Constitution of the United States. No Constitutional amendment was ever created or voted on to accept the Fed. The Constitutionality of the Federal Reserve has never come before the Supreme Court. The Fed is a private bank that keeps the U.S. forever in debt - - or I should say in increasing debt along with ever rising interest payments.

How did the Fed get away with this outrage? A tiny secretive group of bankers sneaked through a bill in 1913 at a time when many in Congress were absent. Those who were there and voted for the bill didn't realize (as so often happens) what they were voting for (shades of the shameful 2002 vote to hand over to President Bush the power to decide on war with Iraq)." (emphasis added)

Richard Russell, "Richards Remarks,", March 27 2007

After President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law in 1913, he reportedly said, "I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country...a great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit...the growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men..." Thus we have an early statement about the threat to "democracy" occasioned by The Fed.

As Richard Russell points out, the creation of ever-increasing debt and interest payments is unsustainable. Thus there will inevitably be a Day of Reckoning, a Day which is fast approaching.

In order to stave off the Day of Reckoning (which, we reiterate, is coming mainly as a consequence of The Fed's dramatic monetary inflation and "easy credit" policies), and to implement its own 'End Game', the Fed-led Cartel* of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions has created, and for the past several years has operated, an extraordinary "Interventional Regime" built on dramatically increasing trillions of dollars (nearly $600 trillion as of June, 2009 - - see (path: statistics>derivatives>Table 19 and ff.) of Dark OTC Derivatives available for the manipulation of major markets ranging from Precious Metals to Crude Oil and Energy, to Equities and Strategic Commodities (see Deepcaster's December, 2009 Special Alert at

To be sure The Cartel's massive and increasing use of derivatives to intervene (Overtly and Covertly via Primary Dealers) in a wide variety of markets is fraught with danger (e.g. through actual and prospective counterparty failure as we are now seeing, as well as prospective Systemic Failure). Deepcaster, Warren Buffett and Jim Sinclair have pointed out the dangers of OTC derivatives. Indeed, Buffett calls them "toxic" ... "weapons of financial destruction" and Sinclair has aptly described the financial system as "sitting on a... trembling mountain of derivatives ... think Weimar Republic." Unfortunately, Deepcaster, Jim Sinclair, and Warren Buffett are correct. Indeed, the evidence indicates that The Cartel has developed a nefarious "End Game" plan, an overview which we describe here.

Details of The Cartel's apparent 'End Game' can be found in Deepcaster's June, 2007 Letter "Profiting From the Push to Denationalize Currencies and Deconstruct Nations " and its August 13, 2006 Alert "Massive Financial-Geopolitical Scheme Not Reported by Big Media" posted in the "Archives" at Fortunately, a Bill was introduced in the U.S. Congress (H.Con.Res.40), which opposes this nefarious scheme.

Masking the True State of the Economy and Financial Markets, is another aspect of The Cartel Regime - Data Manipulation, as we describe above.

Clearly, the Obama Administration's proposal to further empower The Fed is a recipe for disaster for Investors and citizens alike.

Fortunately and in light of all of the foregoing Deepcaster has developed a Strategy for Protecting Wealth as well as Profiting and notwithstanding near-term outcomes of the battle over Fed Power:

The Strategy - Guidelines for Identifying Opportunities for Profit and Protection

  1. Get the Real Data. As many Investors suspect, Crucial Official Government and Agency Economic and Financial Data are of highly questionable validity. The Data set forth above from is a good starting point.

Educate yourself about the realities of the marketplace using Alternative Data Sources such as Deepcaster, Gold Anti-Trust Committee (, and Gathering and staying attuned to authentic information regarding the marketplace can save one much financial grief as well as positioning one for profit.

  1. Take Account of both Overt and Covert Cartel Intervention Many of these same investors who suspect Official Statistics also rightly suspect that the private-for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve and/or Central Banks overtly and covertly manipulate Major Markets. But they might not be aware that covert Market Interventions and Data Manipulation are likely far more pervasive than generally believed, as detailed in Deepcaster's articles mentioned above.

As well, such investors may not have thought systematically about how one copes with and profits from such Intervention and Data Manipulation. Consider one example of Cartel Intervention: the Traditional and Legitimate Safe Haven from inflation, deflation, and risk, is Gold. Yet, Gold has, during the recent periods of extreme financial market turmoil, been taken down in price from its highs of over $1000/oz down to around the mid-$700 level (e.g. in 2008) when it should have skyrocketed.

In early March, 2008 Gold was over $1000/oz. when the Bear Stearns Crisis revealed the fragility of the Financial System. Gold should surely have skyrocketed then. Instead, it was brutally taken down. Were its price not manipulated, Deepcaster's view is that its price would be over $3,000.00 per ounce today.

Deepcaster and others, including the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee, have offered considerable evidence that the Cartel* of Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions are the culprits behind these dramatic and devastating Takedowns. See Deepcaster's Alert of 12/25/07 "A Strategy for Profiting from Cartel Intervention in Gold, Silver, Crude Oil and Other Tangible Assets Markets" in the Alerts Cache at

But there is a Profitable Refuge from Market Intervention and Data Manipulation. That Profitable Refuge lies in the Strategy described in the aforementioned Alert, certain characteristics of which we outline here:

  1. Recognize that the "Buy and Hold" strategy rarely succeeds anymore The Eminence Grise of Newsletter writers, Harry Schultz perhaps put it the best when he stated that "buy and hold no longer works anymore, even with Gold." Recent Market Developments should suffice to demonstrate this principle!
  1. Track the Covert Interventionals as well as the Technicals and Fundamentals and Overt Interventionals Tracking the Footprints, as it were, of the Covert Interventionals (e.g. the Repo and TSLF Pools) daily can often, but not always, give one excellent clues about The Cartel's next likely Interventional Move - - such clues are essential to preserving wealth and making profits. Deepcaster's tracking of The Interventionals, for example, allowed him to recommend five short positions going into September, 2008, (i.e. before the Market Crash) all of which he has subsequently recommended be profitably liquidated. Deepcaster's recent article "Cartel Angst Equals Investor Advantage" (9/18/2009 can be found in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' at lays out a specific strategy for use in investing and trading in the heavily manipulated Gold and Silver Market.
  1. Perhaps most important, be prepared to go both long and short Major Market Sectors long near the bottoms of Interim Takedowns and short near Sector Tops. The Interventionals are essential to helping identify these tops and bottoms. In Deepcaster's view, it will be increasingly difficult to achieve a net profit for one's portfolio if one is unwilling and/or unable to "go short" as well as "long".

The Blossoming of the 200% and 300% (and other) leveraged 'short' and 'long' ETF's described above provide a superb opportunity to go short and long with ease, but not, as we explain in recent articles, without risk.

  1. Be aware of and Active in the overall Geopolitical Landscape In order to gain an adequate understanding of how that Landscape might affect the present and future direction of the Markets, it is essential that one understand the motivations of the major players in the market and the resources at their disposal.

For example, a Major Motivation of the U.S. Federal Reserve and other key Central Banks is the protection and enhancement of the legitimacy of their Treasury Securities and Fiat Currencies as Measures and Stores of Value. Therefore, one can understand that one of their Major Goals will be to attempt de-legitimize Gold, Silver and the Strategic Commodities, including especially Crude Oil, as Stores and Measures of Value. With this in mind, the periodic takedowns of Gold and Silver and, since July, 2008, of Crude Oil, become understandable. Moreover, such an insight applied daily to the market can result in a tremendous edge in understanding market performance, present and future.

Moreover, regarding the assets at The Cartel's disposal, if one tracks the Repurchase Agreement and TSLF Pools regularly, as Deepcaster does, and is aware of the other Interventional tools that The Cartel has at its disposal, then one gains a considerable edge.

  1. Finally, Hard Assets Partisans have the opportunity to become involved in Political Action to diminish the power of The Cartel It is truly outrageous that the average unsuspecting citizen, and prospective retiree, can and does put his hard won assets in Tangible Assets and/or Retirement Accounts only to have those assets effectively de-valued by Cartel Takedowns, U.S. Dollar Devaluation and other Cartel actions. This is extremely injurious to many average citizens in many countries who are saving for the rainy day or retirement and have their retirement and/or reserves effectively taken from them. In order to help prevent this and similar outrages, we recommend taking three steps:
    1. Become involved in the movement to Audit and then abolish the private-for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve as Deepcaster, former Presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, and legendary investor Jim Rogers, all have advocated. The 'Audit The Fed' Bill is H.R. 1207 (and has over 200 co-sponsors) and S604 in the Senate; and The Abolish The Fed Bill is H.R. 2755. is a nonprofit organization which actively supports these bills.
    2. Join the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee, which works to eliminate the manipulation of the Gold and Silver markets ( GATA is a nonprofit organization, which makes a great contribution by gathering evidence regarding the suppression of prices of Gold, Silver and other commodities.
    3. Work to defeat The Cartel 'End Game.' Deepcaster has laid out the evidence regarding the Ominous Cartel "End Game" in "Coping with Power Moves in the Cartel's 'End Game' " (04/24/2009) in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' cache at Clearly The Cartel is sacrificing the U.S. Dollar to prop up Favored International Financial Institutions and to maintain its power. But this sacrifice cannot continue forever. See Deepcaster's July 2008 Letter in the 'Latest Letter' Archives at


If this aforementioned Strategy is employed effectively, it can result both in an increasing Core Position in Gold and Silver, and in considerable profit along the way.

Additional insights and details regarding this Strategy, which are essential to profiting from The Cartel's Policies, are laid out in Deepcaster's article of 3/06/09 entitled "Investor Advantage: Revisiting The Cartel's 'End Game' " in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' cache at

Indeed, the Key Point of the Strategy for Protection and Profit is careful attention not only to the Fundamentals and Technicals but also to the Interventionals. These Overt and Covert Cartel-generated Interventions have the power to move markets as those who study the matter can attest.

Thus, the Key to Profit and Protection is a Strategy: Successful Investors must become Long-Term Position Traders, with their trading choices informed by the Interventionals, as well as the Fundamentals and Technicals. Moreover engaging in the Actions suggested above can help prevent The Cartel's obtaining Superpower status, and aid in achieving wealth protection and profits as well.

Copyright © 2010 DeepCaster LLC

DEEPCASTER FORTRESS ASSETS LETTER Wealth Preservation, Wealth Enhancement, & Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence. Gravitas, Pietas, Virtus. DeepCaster LLC USA | Email